As part of the forthcoming Sustainability KPIs for 2023, we would like to start the New Year with a KPI on LED lights in the offices.
We encouraged our staff to look into the options we have in local offices, speak to landlords and check if it is possible to change to LEDs. In Europe, for instance, many offices have LED lighting as standard already or it is easy to replace standard lighting with LEDs, as you can just go and buy LEDs and replace them yourself. However, this may differ from country to country. Some offices changed to LEDs already in the past year, as we know.

Benefits to energy consumption
- LEDs usually use 25-80% less energy than standard lighting and last a lot longer.
- LEDs save time, money, and energy as they waste very little energy on heat, concentrating electricity on the production of light.
- LEDs are versatile and durable and they contain no filament
Benefits to the environment
- LEDs are pollutant-free with no mercury, no lead, and no toxic materials.
- LEDs are 100% more recyclable than other lamps.
- As LEDs consume less power per unit, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and carbon dioxide output is kept low.
Benefits to work atmosphere and productivity
- LEDs are a good standard of lighting and can be essential for promoting a healthy and proactive working environment, as lighting directly impacts how employees feel, think and work.
- LEDs come in all shapes and sizes with no compromise of output and luminance, you can fill any space with light to meet task and general lighting requirements.
- LEDs don’t flicker and can help to reduce headaches due to similarities with natural light.
- LEDs provide much brighter, more natural-looking light and natural light is the best way to promote positivity and efficiency. In detail, this can mean:
Reduced risk of occupational accidents and health problems
Better concentration and accuracy in work
A brighter, cleaner workplace resulting in a more active, cheerful environment
Improved work performance and accuracy
Better visibility and increased work speed
LED office lights offer higher energy efficiency
Using LED lighting in our offices will help to cut utility costs and give something back to the environment. Moreover, each of employee can contribute to reducing energy consumption when it comes to lighting:
- Switch off when you leave a room (e.g. kitchen, washroom)
- At the end of the day, check if all lighting is switched off before you leave the office
- Switch off on sunny days
- Raise awareness among the office by using our Bertling resource-saving posters.
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