May marks Mental Health Awareness month in the United States and May 13th – 19th is Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. The theme for mental health awareness week is ‘Movement’ specifically, the importance of moving more to improve our mental health. The benefits of movement and exercise for our mental wellbeing are well documented and even a little additional movement can be helpful.
“Movement is a great way to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes’ brisk walking can boost our mood and increase our mental alertness and energy. Movement helps us feel better about our bodies and improve self-esteem. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety and help us to sleep better.”

We live increasingly sedentary lives, sitting at our desks for hours on end, watching TV or scrolling social media at home etc. Adding a little more movement to your daily routine, maybe taking a lunchtime walk, can improve your mental health. At Bertling, we will use this week to find group activities together that can improve our mental health as well as build social relationships with our colleagues.
These could be your next steps